City Acade

Gifted Music School

Gifted Music School @ City Academy
Dynamic and Innovative program

For students at City Academy with an interest in and aptitude for music.
For Gifted Music School students with an interest in integrating their music and academic study during middle and high school.
The program facilitates a unique course of study that helps students develop their musical skills and artistry without compromising rigorous academic standards. Students enrolled in the program will have special access to Gifted Music School’s (GMS) faculty, courses, equipment, and facilities within a school day schedule.

Gifted Music School @ City Academy

Will Provide Three Different Programs as a part of the regular school day, and with no cost to City Academy full-time students.
We will serve cohorts of students in grades 7-8 who request to pursue music as a primary emphasis in their elective studies at City Academy. With no formal audition or application process, the courses will be structured to broadly serve students of varying musical backgrounds and disciplines.
We will serve 9th-12th grade students with music classes such as voice and guitar taught by GMS teachers.
We will serve students in grades 9-12 who request a music lesson and/or practice time as a part of their regular school day schedule. Register with GMS here indicate you are enrolled at City Academy and your tuition is paid by the school.
City Academy’s Mission is to engage students in rigorous investigative learning and active citizenship that equips them for success in college and in life. Gifted Music School's aim is to produce in students the skills, character, and empathy vital to a healthy society through comprehensive music education.

As this partnership between Gifted Music School and City Academy continues to mature, the long-term vision for Gifted Music School @ City Academy is to provide students grades 7-12 with an exceptional musical education that, in tandem with City Academy’s distinctive academic offerings, sets students up to successfully matriculate into post-high school education of their choice – including any of the nation’s most selective music conservatories or prestigious academic universities and colleges.
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